Sunday, July 19, 2009

Play time

I'm off to play with my friend Marie. We are meeting in Layton for a girls excellent adventure....sorry boys...think pink!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

More photos of Grandma's 90th

Brian's cousin and brothers, Doug, Ken and Jim.

Ken and Family.
Jim and Family.
Everyone that came to celebrate!
Grandma is going for a ride!!!

Grandma Jewels 90th

In July we celebrated Brian's Grandma Jewel's 90th Birthday party. The entire family got together at Sandpiper for a surprise dinner. It was really nice, she didn't expect a thing, she definitely didn't expect her granddaughter and her children to be there. Then she surprised us when she jumped on the back of Doug's Harley to go for a little ride. Yes, she will be around for a long, long time! Oh, the picture below is both of Brian's grandmothers...both 90...both wonderful, and as Ken said...180 years of experience!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

More pics from the 4th!

4th of July fun!

My parents and youngest brothers family joined us for the festivities on the Fourth! We started out by watching fireworks on the 3rd, then an early morning wake up and drive to Driggs for the balloon festival! The fun didn't end there, after breakfast in a park, the sharpshooters of the family practiced their skills by paintballing live subjects! It was for a scout troop fundraiser and I believe everyone enjoyed it...except the targets. On the way back you have to stop for square ice cream. After lounging around the house and a quick BBQ, we went over to a park to shoot off illegal fireworks...OK, my brother bought them! I hate to say it but they are only illegal in Utah. Having lived in Idaho Falls for a few 4ths...they were just not that impressive but Kaitlyn was still worried that we, especially her father, would still end up in jail! I loved having them here and hopefully we can do it again!