Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Fun!

As always, Thanksgiving was a gastric delight! Not only did we have a wonderful meal, but fun with family. We had a rousing round of Pictionary with Brian's family, of course, Ryan, Brian and I won!! It is truly a time to be thankful, for all that we have been blessed with, especially family!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Festival of Trees

Brian's woodturning group put a tree together for the festival of trees this year and we got the "privilege" of putting it together! It was a blustery cold day when we had to deliver it to the venue...what a spectacle, driving down the street with Christmas in the back of the truck. It turned out pretty good!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

BeaverCreek play time

We love our time with friends at BeaverCreek, it is always rejuvenating for our spirit! When they say that laughter is the best medicine...they really mean it! We may eat to much and not sleep a lot while we are there, but we come away feeling great! Can't wait for next year!!