Well, we are dealing with more trauma in the Pond..or as Brian calls it, the Money Pit!!! Over the last 2 weeks we hadn't seen the 5 new fish that we bought. Saturday when we finally saw the 2 yellow koi, one of them wasn't looking to great. As we investigated further we found the dead carcii of 2 of the other 3 fish. After much internet research, we found out that the pond has a parasite that is attacking the fish. The larger fish (yellows) were still hanging on because they were...well, larger. But this morning we lost another one. So, this afternoon, we got serious, Brian caught the sole survivor...who was lethargic and showing signs of being really sick. Dr. B then gave the poor little guy a salt bath, then a medicated fresh water bath. We have added a treatment to the pond and in a week, we treat it again. Only then can our poor lonely little fishy friend go back in and swim freely. Wish us luck, better than that...wish our fish luck!!! By the way, we still haven't named him...any thoughts!