Friday, April 3, 2009

More pics from the Valley!

There's life in Death Valley....who knew!

In April, Brian and I headed for California and decided to take a route we hadn't taken before...through Death Valley. We definitely went during the right time of the year, the first day we were there it was 90 degrees. We found all sorts of interesting things to see, but what amazed me the most was all the wild flowers. There were areas that were it was just a solid color. The unique terrain was also amazing, the above picture is in an area called the Devil's Golf Course...18 holes anyone! But you can only take the desert for so long and after a couple a days it was time to head for the ocean!

Tahoe Time!

Of course, we had to head through Tahoe! We hit one end of this gorgeous lake and was still cold up there! We will explore this area summer time! Actually, we had to hurry and make it to Reno, we had to go to the local Woodcraft store! Yes, we are the Browns and we have a wood they had some fun wood blanks to choose from! Poor Brian...and I do mean poor! :)

More California!

After the desert it was time to hit the coast! We stopped along the way at some wonderful old missions and then drove down one of the steepest roads to catch HWY was raining and absolutely breathtaking! Spent a little time at the Aquarium and the coastline...then after I shot the wedding in Oakland, we headed home through the poppies!