Saturday, December 19, 2009


Back at Greg & Rachel's house we exchanged our gifts. The kids then watched a movie while the rest of us actually got a chance to visit. It was a wonderful time and so good to be together. Merry Christmas!

Dinner Time

More pics from Tepanyaki's!

Hobbs Christmas Party!

Time to get together again...but why not go to dinner first. Greg & Rachel arranged and bought us all dinner at Tepanyaki's. Thanks guys...especially for the entertainment. The kids were a blast to watch at dinner!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Our fabulous fabric designer...

Shari was able to pick up her very first fabric line before they came to was quite a trunk load! We are all so proud of her...especially Dan!

Go Shari!


More Thanksgiving Turkeys!!

It's all good!

After the last few months that our family went through, we were truly grateful to be together this holiday. Best of all we had Dad home with us. I am sure that it will still be a long road to recovery and we all needed this time to come together and remember what family is all about.

Birthday Boy...

Jordan is so lucky, he got to celebrate his birthday too!

Wishing on a Bone...

Kaitlyn decided she needed a little luck that day, so she laid claim to the wishbone, with Auntie Tam's help and proceded to get her wish...1st is was just to flexible to break, but after she stashed is away for a few hours...she got her wish...Hope it was worth it!!!

More of Thanksgiving!

Of course we had all the
regular dinner fixings...
Gobble til ya Wobble.

Thanksgiving fun...

First a little Football! Greg took the boys outside and they had a little football game...the best part was when Logan, Jaxton and Conner conspired to "run" the ball. Good thing Logan is tall and buff, because it appears the football grew! Conner seemed to enjoy did all the others.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where does the time go???

I can't believe that it is October already. I really haven't a clue where September went. But, with parents dealing with health issues and school starting, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. They say that time stands still...I guess I missed the microsecond that it did. I feel like the older I get, the faster the year goes by! Remember when it felt like 10 years between each birthday...and now it feels like 10 minutes. Well, enough rambling for the night!!!! Time's a wasting! :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

BBQ Show

BBQ @ Greg's

The Hobbs family got together for a BBQ at Greg's house right before Dad was to have his back surgery. We enjoyed the warm weather, dutch oven cooking, fresh peas and watching the kids all run around and have fun. It was nice to get together and have those warm memories...especially since it is cold out now!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bowles visit IF

"Bear-ly" here....

Dave and Marie brought their little family for a visit this summer. We hung out at the house and let the kids play with the neighbors, fed the geese on the greenbelt and went to Bear World. We bear-ly enough time to fit the huge amount of fun we had...but we gave it our best shot!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


OK, I really like to overthink things. I keep wanting to "catch" up on what has been going on the past few months and keep it in chronological order! Ha! Who has time for that. Well, I finally remembered...(sleepless night) to KISS! Keep it Simple Stupid! So from now on, I am going to KISS my blog. If it is not in any order, I apologize, but this is just for fun and to keep contected anyway. So to anyone who cares.....Smooch!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Play time

I'm off to play with my friend Marie. We are meeting in Layton for a girls excellent adventure....sorry boys...think pink!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

More photos of Grandma's 90th

Brian's cousin and brothers, Doug, Ken and Jim.

Ken and Family.
Jim and Family.
Everyone that came to celebrate!
Grandma is going for a ride!!!

Grandma Jewels 90th

In July we celebrated Brian's Grandma Jewel's 90th Birthday party. The entire family got together at Sandpiper for a surprise dinner. It was really nice, she didn't expect a thing, she definitely didn't expect her granddaughter and her children to be there. Then she surprised us when she jumped on the back of Doug's Harley to go for a little ride. Yes, she will be around for a long, long time! Oh, the picture below is both of Brian's grandmothers...both 90...both wonderful, and as Ken said...180 years of experience!